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Te Ahu Teki

Ko Ruapehu ko Taranaki ōku maunga
Ko Whanganui ko Kai Iwi ōku awa
​Ko Aotea tōku waka
​Ko Ranana, ko Te Aroha ōku marae
​Ko Te Atihaunui a Paparangi me Ngā Rauru Kītahi ngā iwi
​Ko Ngati Ruaka, Ko Ngāti Pūkeko me Ngāti Iti ngā hapū
​Ko Te Ahu Teki tōku ingoa

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Kia ora! A bit about me...I come from a large close-knit whānau/family and with ties to multiple iwi, so relationships have always been at the forefront of any type of connection or engagement for me.

I have over 15 years’ experience in education in a variety of leadership roles and have always had a passion for coaching and empowering others on their journey, whether it be in the classroom, in the boardroom, working with corporate and public sector clients or on the sports field.

Supporting the growth and development of individuals and teams through a holistic approach, I am deeply motivated to help drive a collaborative, supportive, safe and inclusive environment for all.

I am very passionate about building strong foundations for meaningful, collaborative and long-lasting relationships, taking others along on the journey, or on the waka, with me.

A life-long learner, I am all about furthering my own personal and professional development, so that I can share that knowledge with others.

"Naku te rourou nau te rourou ka ora ai te iwi" 
With your basket and my basket the people will thrive

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